Friday, October 8, 2010

Pediatric Dental Care for Your Kid's Teeth

Putting toothpaste on a toothbrush. The toothp...Image via Wikipedia

Why is the care for my child's teeth important?
Good pediatric dental care habits should begin before your child's first tooth arrives. Gently wiping your child's gums with a soft damp cloth after feedings can helps to prevent the buildup of bacteria. The use of a soft children's toothbrush twice a day after your child's first teeth arrive is recommended
When your child is preschool-age, you may want to start using fluoride toothpaste. Don't cover the brush with toothpaste; a small amount is enough. Your child may tend to swallow most of the toothpaste. Swallowing too much fluoride toothpaste can cause staining on their teeth.
Children's cavities?
Cavities are holes that are formed when bacteria forms in your mouth. Bacteria uses the sugar in food to make acid. This acid erodes away at the teeth. Cavities are very common in children and the recommended tooth care can keep cavities from happening.
Your child may get cavities if he or she eats a lot of sugar based foods and drinks a lot of sweet drinks (fruit juice and punch, soda and sweetened drinks). Some children may have a higher tendency for cavities if they have the following risk factors:
• Has low birth rate or born prematurely.
• Teeth contain brown areas or white spots over time.
• Does not have regular checkups with their pediatric dentist. Teeth should be brushed at least twice a day and your child should see the pediatric dentist twice a year.
Have your dentist show you the right way to brush your child's teeth.
Diet and the possible affect on your child's teeth
Obviously, avoiding sweets and between-meal snacks is good advice. Avoiding potential cavities may be avoided by limiting sweet snacks and drinks between meals. Having meals and snacks at regular times is advised. Snacks, such as, fresh fruits and vegetables, and cheese and crackers also can help in the dental care for your child.
It has been noted that some baby bottles can create additional problems with your child's dental health. When liquid from a bottle is in contact with the child's teeth for a long time, the sugars may cause tooth decay. The baby's teeth can develop cavities and become discolored. It is also advised, not to put a baby to bed with a bottle or walk around during the day with a bottle. You may want to teach your child to use a drinking cup as soon as it is acceptable.
Your child' teeth and thumb-sucking
Sucking the thumb, fingers or a pacifier is common. It may be good to inquire of your pediatric dentist as to the individual child's development regarding the teeth and their natural progress. This is typically not a problem so long as it is not prolonged. Again, this can be answered by your pediatric dentist at your child's regular dental care checkup.
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  1. It is very important to create a good habits in kids with regular dentist check ups. If you find pediatric dentist probably is much better.

  2. It is good to have pediatric dentist, all the kids and teenagers have emergency situations. My son have had twice tooth pain during the night time.

  3. No doubts, every parent knows that it is very important to know pediatric dentist and as well emergency dentist.
