Monday, May 9, 2011

Undergoing Teeth Whitening to Remove Stains

Common Causes of Stained Teeth
The appearance of brown or yellow stains on your teeth is nothing more than a result of the natural aging process-as most people will notice significant darkening as they approach their 40's and 50's. However, there are other foods and substances than can cause discoloration.
Dark substances such as red wine, coffee, tea, cola, carrots, oranges and other dark colored foods and beverages can cause staining over the years. Similarly, acidic foods such as fruits or vinegar can cause the enamel to erode, thus drawing attention to the yellow-colored dentin beneath.
Smoking, drugs and chemicals can also cause stains and discoloration. Most people know that nicotine leaves behind brown deposits that sink into the teeth, while on the opposite end of the spectrum; excessive fluoride can leave behind spots of white mottling.
Options for Cosmetic Dentistry and Professional Whitening
These patients have a variety of options when it comes to whitening. One method involves the use of high-concentration peroxide gel, which applied in the office and remains on them for 15-20 minutes. This method can produce significant color changes in a short period of time, but may require more than one visit to take care of truly stubborn stains. Costs for this procedure vary, but the national average is around $650 a session.
Take home kits using the same peroxide gel but in a lower concentration are also available through most cosmetic dentists. The gel is typically applied before bed and left in the mouth overnight. Yet because the concentration levels are lower than the in-office method described above, the procedure takes significantly longer before a patient achieves their desired results. The average cost for take home kits run between $100-400.
Finally, laser whitening is a fast, yet expensive alternative to a brighter smile. In this procedure a cosmetic dentist will apply a special gel and then activate it using a special laser. The crystals in the gel will then penetrate the enamel of the teeth-causing an instantly white smile. Most laser procedures only require a one hour session with a cosmetic dentist, but the procedure can cost in excess of $1000.
How to Choose the Best Whitening Option
The easiest way to find out which teeth whitening procedure is best for you is to set up a consultation with a cosmetic dentist that specializes in this area. Based on your existing coloration, enamel thinness and budget concerns, the doctor can then suggest which procedure would be best to achieve the pearly white smile of your dreams.

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  1. This reminds me that I haven't had teeth whitening procedure for a long time. Probably will visit my dentist tomorrow.

  2. I think smile is more important than money and it doesn't matter how much the procedure cost. It is important for family relationship and for business.

  3. Making the calculation, professional laser teeth whitening and home teeth whitening kit for 6 months use have very similar price and probably is more risky.

  4. I've never had teeth whitening procedure in my life. Just maintain good oral hygiene.
